Finding a Student Job in Paris: Babysitting with Be My Nounou

Finding a Student Job in Paris: Babysitting with Be My Nounou

Paris, with its historic charm and vibrant culture, is a dream destination for many students. However, the high cost of living can make it challenging to enjoy all the city has to offer. Finding a flexible student job can ease financial stress and enhance your experience in Paris. One of the best options for students is babysitting, and Be My Nounou offers a perfect opportunity to earn money while fitting seamlessly into your academic schedule.

Why Choose Babysitting?


Babysitting jobs are inherently flexible, allowing you to work around your university classes and study time. Whether you’re available after school, in the evenings, or on Wednesdays when many French schools have half-days, there’s likely a family in need of your help.

Cultural Exchange

Babysitting provides a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in French family life. You’ll get to see how French families operate on a daily basis, participate in their routines, and learn more about French customs and traditions.

Language Practice

Working as a babysitter in Paris is a fantastic way to improve your French. While many families are looking for English-speaking babysitters to help their children learn English, you’ll still have plenty of opportunities to practice French in a natural setting.

Why Be My Nounou?

Be My Nounou is a leading babysitting agency in Paris that specializes in matching international students with French families. Here’s why Be My Nounou is a great choice for student babysitters:

Tailored Schedules

Be My Nounou understands the busy schedules of students and offers babysitting jobs that are designed to fit around your university timetable. Whether you have a few hours free after classes or whole afternoons on Wednesdays, there are positions available to suit your availability.

Supportive Community

By joining Be My Nounou, you become part of a supportive network of babysitters. The agency provides resources, training, and guidance to help you succeed in your role. You’ll also have the chance to connect with other babysitters in Paris, making new friends and sharing experiences.

Competitive Pay

Babysitting through Be My Nounou offers a competitive hourly rate, which can significantly help with living expenses in Paris. The agency ensures that you are fairly compensated for your time and effort.

Building Your Resume

Babysitting demonstrates responsibility, time management, and the ability to work independently—all qualities that are highly valued by future employers. Adding this experience to your resume can enhance your job prospects after graduation.

What to Expect as a Babysitter with Be My Nounou

After-School Care

Many families need babysitters to pick up their children from school, help with homework, and engage them in fun and educational activities until the parents return from work. This typically involves a few hours in the late afternoon to early evening.

Wednesday Afternoons

In France, school often finishes early on Wednesdays, creating a high demand for babysitters. This is a great opportunity for students who have free afternoons to earn some extra money.

Language Practice

As an English-speaking babysitter, you’ll often be asked to help children practice their English. This can include playing games, reading books, and simply conversing in English. This not only helps the children but also provides a comfortable way for you to adjust to life in Paris.

How to Get Started

Application Process

Getting started with Be My Nounou is straightforward. Fill out the application form. You’ll need to provide some basic information about yourself, your availability, and your experience with children and we will get back to you within 24 hours.


If your application is successful, you’ll be invited for an interview. This is a chance for the agency to get to know you better and discuss your preferences and availability in more detail.

Matching with a Family

Once you’ve been accepted, we will match you with a family that suits your schedule and interests. You’ll have the opportunity to meet the family before starting to ensure it’s a good fit for both parties.


Finding a student job in Paris doesn’t have to be difficult. Babysitting with Be My Nounou offers a flexible, rewarding way to earn money while enhancing your experience in this beautiful city. You’ll gain valuable skills, make new connections, and immerse yourself in French culture, all while helping children learn and grow. If you’re looking for a job that fits around your studies and provides a unique cultural exchange, consider applying to Be My Nounou today. Paris is waiting, and with the right job, you can make the most of your time here.

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